Field Training is a 13-day simluated-stress environment set in Maxwell Air Force Base, in Alabama. The program takes place as a test of grit and resiliency while serving as a way to measure a Cadet’s ability to adapt to changing environments while still being an effective leader and follower. For the entire duration of training, we turned in all of our electronic devices and cut off all contact with the outside world with receiving letters from friends and family being the only exception.
Throughout all of this, I was responsible for a variety of tasks within the wide range of positions assigned to me. From being the second-in-command within my own flight, to transitioning to the Physical Fitness Officer for my Squadron, I was always tasked with being in charge of people. The amount of people I was responsible for was negligible, as one person failing to contribute to mission success could lead into ultimate failure. No matter the position, I was constantly doing my part to ensure that the entire day-to-day operations of my training were executed as smoothly as possible.
Training hours in Alabama lasted from 4 A.M. to 8 P.M. while the days were packed with non-stop training and scenarios to practice the different techniques and skills we learned throughout the time we had there. Being there was a massive test of my resilience and mental toughness, with each day challenging me to strive to perform better than the previous day. Having such a schedule and environment change to my daily lifestyle for an extended period of time really forced me to learn how to work with people and to live without technology as an essential part of life.